
Toward improving tracking precision in motion capture systems

Motion capture systems are a must-have part of a modern research laboratory. The system has a wide area of applications such as movie, sport, medicine or experiments validations. The system provides accurate pose and orientation data and allows tracking several…

Minimum-energy control of quadrotor UAV

Synthesis and performance analysis of control system with neurobiologically-inspired intelligent controller (BELBIC) This research was funded by the National Science Centre – NCN (Poland), under the program MINIATURA 4, grant number: 2020/04/X/ST7/00357. The numerical results gathered and analyzed during the…

Bronze medal at MBZIRC 2020

Our group from the AeroLab of “Poznan University of Technology” won the third place of the Grand Challenge in the International Robotic Competition MBZIRC 2020 that took place in February 25, 2020. Our group participated as the team of SkyTeam,…