Wojciech Giernacki, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Prof.

Received the Ph.D. degree in control engineering and robotics from the Poznan University of Technology in 2011 and D.Sc. in 2019. He founded and heads the PUT AeroLab and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Research Group, as well as the Division of Control and Optimization at the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence. His scientific interests are focused around the issues of UAVs, especially robust and adaptive control, optimization techniques, as well as data fusion from sensors.

Dariusz Horla, Ph.D, D.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor

Received the Ph.D. degree in control and robotics in 2005, D. Sc. in 2013, and became an associate professor of Poznan University of Technology in 2019. He is the author of several books, and more than 120 articles. His research interests include control engineering, optimal control, adaptive and robust control, multidimensional systems, and optimization methods and techniques.

Adam Bondyra, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Received the M.Sc. degree in 2010. Currently works as an assistant. His scientific interests are mainly particle filters (for state estimation) and also whispery speech recognition.

Marek Kołodziejczak, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Received the M.Sc. degree in 2022. Currently works as an assistant. His research interests include data processing and analysis, and the use of deep neural networks in the field of UAV fault detection and isolation.

Piotr Kozierski, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Received the M.Sc. degree in 2010. Currently works as an assistant. His scientific interests are mainly particle filters (for state estimation) and also whispery speech recognition.

Jacek Michalski, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Received the M.Sc. degree in 2019. Currently works as an assistant. His scientific interests are in control, state estimation of dynamical nonlinear and multidimensional systems, and also broadly understood UAV's and artificial intelligence.

Radosław Puchalski, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Received the M.Sc. degree in 2020. Currently, he is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Poznan University of Technology. He conducts research in the field of UAV fault detection. His scientific interests focus on digital signal processing, artificial neural networks, and the application of embedded systems in edge processing.

Marek Retinger, M.Sc. (Eng.)

Assistant in the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at Poznan University of Technology. He received master's degree in Computer Science in 2016. His scientific interests include bio-inspired MAV’s, energy harvesting techniques and motion capture systems. He is also well familiar with programming and computer’s system security.